I must say that I'm not in favor of vulgar graffiti that I think normally disgrace walls and street furniture, but I must recognize that some ones are great art that we can enjoy meanwhile we walk around the town. Let´s have a look to some of them...
I must admit that I do not know who has been the idea, but I think it's great, you may not like all these murals there, but it gives it another go to some buildings and especially to their sidewalls.
One of these building with murals is the outside walls of the football field of the village, we must recognize that the two murals on their walls, give it another appearance to the building and by the way very original. Certainly one of the murals has nothing to do with another at the other side. One seems more cold due the black and white contrast meanwhile the other is full color, and a bit more "comic look"
Quite shocking this face of golden iguana with her watch, ring and chain which is eating grapes on a very lavish look. Certainly does not lack originality.
On a school wall, we can see a drawing on a very "science fiction" style. It´s composed of several drawings in a somewhat futuristic way...
If we take a closer look we are provided with further details that we have not seen before far at distance. So a closer look to the body of the lady, reveal a field with a sky with a staircase where several people are climbing to try to reach the heart of this woman.
And though the goal has nothing to do with the mural, it seems that here is done on purpose to match with the drawing , it is obvious that the goal has nothing to do with the wall, or with the small details of the bottom of the wall.
These drawings, draw attention in the streets where they are, and definitely not go unnoticed thanks to the color of some of them, Although others are more monochromatic style. But certainly not those, located above nor below these lines.
On a side of a building we can see a large squid in a fishbowl, where it seems there is not enough space to fit comfortably.
At a closer look, we notice the details of their tentacles and the kind of colorful that calling us much attention.
Another one is a silhouette, like this one located in a parking, among the parked cars the mythological horse "Pegasus" starts flying with its powerful wings ....
Or as this one in another side of another building depicting a large water drop shared by different levels, in each level, the different stories are developing.
The interpretation in some of these drawings is completely free, and may vary from a person to person but obviously here we can see from some soldiers running into battle in a level, and a number of factories in a complex in other, or a couple watching the news in a large room, or people purchasing, it is curious as shopping carts are empty.
In the image below we see a piece of mural, the same mural which we began this post and is a detail of details, so closer we get more details we can see ....
Great idea of these murals and its impact on the village.