They came on delay this year, but have arrived. I do not know if it's true or not but I heard from some farmers of Santa Agnès de Corona, that the almond trees in very cold weather purposely can delay flowering, and do not know if this is so, but the truth is I've never seen a long-delayed flowering as this year.
In fact I believed that this year would not see the white explosion that often create these trees during flowering, and although we could saw some isolated flowers, this year noway is at all as used to do so.
The big cold waves (in fact two), are over, and the white colour that the snow brought, was replaced in days with the white colour of the almond flowers, giving a chance to enjoy those Ibiza fields full of them.

The white colour of the flower, combined with the white cottages, green meadows and the deep blue sky. In this intense winter flowering, the spring starts showing the face, in few days begins. we barely twenty days begins.