One of the greatest treasures of the island remains beneath the sea, the Mediterranean sea that surrounds the islands of Ibiza and Formentera. The meadows of oceanic posidonea are displayed in the World Heritage Site by Unesco for "Ibiza biodiversity and culture", where they appear as such: Dalt Vila, the necropolis of Puig des Molins, Ses feixes, the Phoenician site of Sa Caleta, the "salinas" of Ibiza and Formentera and the area of "Freus" (exactly where I took these pictures) and oceanic posidonea meadows and natural formations on the seabed.
These meadows of posidonea are certenly oxygen lungs for the Mediterranean around the islands and between them have held a variety of animal and plant life.
This marine plant is also responsible of the spectacular blue colors of the sea in some sea areas of the island.
This marine plant is also responsible of the spectacular blue colors of the sea in some sea areas of the island.
Esta planta marina también es la responsable de los colores insultantemente azules del mar en algunas zonas de la ísla.
Where there is no posidonea, there are large sandy or rocky terraces covered with other marine vegetation. The fishes are swimming around, from one place to another and sometimes accompany us on our vistis underwater
Rocky reefs are home for a number of fish and other marine life. There are many around Ibiza, and colorful views of these areas make us spend time forgetting the everyday routine. There's nothing like being like a fish for a while.
A relative of the last character in the global media, octopus Paul did not hesitate to choose the Spanish team as a winner in the last footbal worldcup, is easy to found on the seabed, but amazed at the great facility with changing their color to camuflate itself.

Some of these octopuss like to play, this one played with my fins (of course, chose not know why the right wing, extending its tentacles in it, completely ignoring the left one). Once tired of playing with her flaps moved away quickly.
Anemones also exist in many parts of the coast of Ibiza. Some of them with spectacular colors and shapes that they move following the waves movements. To jump down the sea, is to go to other site of the island.
Anemones also exist in many parts of the coast of Ibiza. Some of them with spectacular colors and shapes that they move following the waves movements. To jump down the sea, is to go to other site of the island.
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