The name of this beach (Benirras) comes from the arab lenguage. This is a very nice beach just at the north of the Island. Locally is known as the Port of Benirras, due the closeness of the bay. At the very front of the beach you can see far away the impresive hills of Na Xamena.
In summer every sunday you can enjoy at sunset of the sounds of drums untill late at night.

Front of the beach you can see the rock that leads hundreds of leyends.
Front of the beach you can see the rock that leads hundreds of leyends.
Even there are not an agreement about the real name, but the follow two: carall bernat and Cap Bernat are the most populars. The name "carall" can come from the pre-romanic lenguage Kar=rock.
If one is not too drunk it is possible to see the silhouette of a woman seating on the sea. If too drunk then its possible to see thounsand diferents things...
I have heard that some britons call it "Queen Elisabeth" because some of them can see the Queen Elisabeth (dont know if the first or the second) seating on the throne with the crown on the head.
Others including guide books or internet websites, are calling it "dedo de dios" or "finger of god", but the real "dedo de dios" is located in Agaete (Gran Canaria) more than 2000 kilometres away.... Anyway the "dedo de dios" it doenst exists anymore due a big windy storm destroyed the famous finger and now the rock is without the finger.
Definitively this rock is the Cap Bernat, located in Benirras at the north of Ibiza island, and from there you can enjoy nice sunsets but only when the day is specially long... as end june or beginning of july.